Saša Randić. Idis Turato

Team members:
Ana Staničić, Iva Šulina,
Gordan Resan, Janko Jelić

City of Krk

1725 m2

Krk, Island of Krk, Croatia

Project type:
public competition, 1. prize

completed in 2009.

Sandro Lendler

The new kindergarten, on the island of Krk in Croatia, is located on the northeastern border of the town, amongst mostly tourist apartments and shopping malls.

In such an unattractive neighborhood, this kindergarten is shaped like an enclosed and introverted insula, surrounded by soaring stone walls. Inside this small town-kindergarten, units-houses are combined with open gardens, placed next to pedestrian communications.

Due to the rather small area of the kindergarten’s parcel, units for the smallest kids, together with belonging roof terraces – playgrounds, are located on the first floor of the building.

Kindergarten is defined by halls – kale (local name for small streets characteristic for historical centers of Dalmatian towns), aiming upwards or downwards, regarding the topography of the site.

Eastern and western entrances to the kindergarten are to be used by children, employees and guests, service entrance is on the north, and southern gates open the kindergarten towards the small, sunny oriented playground.

In the center of the kindergarten, there is a small square – a piazza, which is supposed to serve as a location for manifestations, events, and celebrations. Besides 7 units for older children, and 4, previously mentioned, units for youngsters, the kindergarten also embeds a hall for sports, recreation, and dance classes.
The plan area of the kindergarten is 1725 square meters, with a gross area of 2379 m².