Autor/Author: Saša Randić
Članovi tima/ Team members: Helena Dimitrišin -Tomasić, Olivija Horvatić, Daša Manojlović, Zorana Šimunović, Iva Vucković
Naručitelj/ Client: Grad Rijeka /City of Rijeka
Lokacija/ Location: Rijeka, Hrvatska
Površina/Area: 5.852 m2
Godina/Year: 2014.-2024.
Status: Completed
Fotograf/ Photographer: Domagoj Blažević
T-zgrada je industrijska građevina neoklasicističkih obilježja, izgrađena u drugoj polovici 19. st. kao dio tvornice za preradu duhana. Polovicom 20. st. kompleks je prenamijenjen u tvornicu brodskih strojeva „Rikard Benčić“, zatvoren sredinom 90-tih. Zgrada je 2000-tih projektirana za Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, a 2014. namijenjena je za Gradsku knjižnicu. Južno krilo zgrade je zbog strukturnih oštećenja trebalo zamijeniti novom konstrukcijom, koja je vidljivo prezentirana kao nova, sa čeličnom konstrukcijom u unutrašnjosti i oblogom od betonskih panela na fasadi, koji su svojim oblikom ponovili izvornu formu fasade.
Obnova zgrade dio je projekta obnove bloka Benčić, koji je izgradnjom knjižnice i izgradnjom parka dobio svoj završni oblik.
The T-Building is an industrial structure with neoclassical features, constructed in the second half of the 19th century as part of a tobacco processing factory. In the mid-20th century, the complex was repurposed into the “Rikard Benčić” ship engine factory, which ceased operations in the mid-1990s. During the 2000s, the building was redesigned to house the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, and in 2014, it was designated for the City Library.
Due to structural damage, the southern wing of the building had to be replaced with a new structure, which is distinctly presented. It features a steel framework on the interior and a façade clad in concrete panels that replicate the original façade’s form.
The restoration of the building is part of the broader Benčić block revitalization project, which reached its completion with the construction of the library and the creation of a park.